[Updated 9/26/2020]
It’s that time of year again; The new year is officially upon us, and you’ve likely spent at least a little bit of time during the past couple weeks thinking about ways to improve yourself in the new year. But why limit New Year’s Resolutions to just yourself? Right now is a great time to set some goals for maintaining your vehicle, too!
Start the year off on the right foot with these New Year’s resolutions for your car!New Year’s Resolutions For Your Car
It may seem silly to think about making resolutions for your car, but look at it this way: When you make resolutions for yourself, they probably include things like improving your diet, losing weight, or better managing finances, all of which are goals that help ensure your future well-being. You can also set goals to ensure the long life of your car, and the new year is a great time to vow to break bad vehicle maintenance habits, like going too long between oil changes.
Check out the top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for your car recommended by all of us here at Tune Tech Automotive.
Clean Up Your Act
You may have added cleaning up and organizing your home to your list of New Year’s resolutions, but what about cleaning up your car? Remove all the excess junk and clutter from inside your car. Getting rid of excess weight improves gas mileage. Read more gas mileage tips here.
If you’re a habitual clutterbug, make it a personal goal to keep trash and junk out of your car this year. Keeping your car tidy can even help preserve retail value as the carpet and upholstery are less likely to become stained. Keep the outside of your vehicle clean, too. In addition to looking better, keeping your car’s exterior clean helps prevent rust.
Learn to Be More Proactive
The best way to keep your car running its best and avoid costly problems is to stay on top of routine maintenance. From routine oil changes and checking your tire pressure to keeping up with the scheduled maintenance recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer, these steps can help you avoid breakdowns.
If you do notice something unusual, such as a strange sound or a change in the way your car drives, vow not to put off going to the garage. No one wants to be saddled with a huge repair bill, but if you bring your car to Tune Tech Automotive at the first sign of trouble, the expense will likely be much less than if you wait until the issue becomes worse.
Be a Better Driver
The way you drive has a huge impact on how long your car will last. Your driving habits also can help or hinder your gas mileage. Sudden accelerations burn excessive gas, as does speeding. Aggressive stopping and slamming on your brakes causes the braking material to wear down faster than it does when braking gradually. Of course, driving aggressively or recklessly also puts you at a much higher risk of having an accident. So, in 2015, make it a resolution to be a safer, more careful driver. Obey the speed limit, and avoid aggressive acceleration and braking as much as possible.
Stick to Your Resolutions with Tune Tech Automotive
At Tune Tech Automotive, we can help you stick with the New Year’s resolutions you set for your car this year. We can handle your routine maintenance, and we will be here any time you need us for repairs. Let us help you take the best possible care of your vehicle. Click here to schedule your appointment now.